Parents and School

To contribute to the integration of the school community. This was our main objective when we approached the school administration to propose the creation of a Parents and School association (Eltern & Schule, or ES). Family involvement already takes place in many moments, but following the trend of other international and even Brazilian schools, the proposal for the creation of the Parents and School Organization aims to contribute to broader initiatives. Through these initiatives and participation in projects focused on the interests of the school community, we believe it is possible to encourage dialogue and strengthen relationships, which undoubtedly sets an example for the students, our children! All student families are part of the Eltern und Schule Organization, can make suggestions, and voluntarily participate in projects or action groups. There is no registration fee.

To ensure that activities are organized and managed, the creation of a parents’ council has been proposed, elected every two years. Ideas will always be evaluated together with the administration. We also want to help celebrate the multiculturalism present in the school, as well as the sense of community, encouraging greater involvement and connection of the school community, based on respect for differences and valuing learning.

Eltern & Schule does not deal with pedagogical matters, nor does it overlap with the activities already carried out by parent representatives. We are another channel for participation and communication in the Swiss-Brazilian School.

We want to get to know your family and count on your support! Get in touch with us!